A little zesty, a little spicy, a lot of flavour…
Two things make this mojito unique: The fresh, tanginess of sun-ripened lemons, and the bold warmth of Reunion Island ginger. These original mojitos liven up a classic recipe with just the right amount of spice to heat things up.

Ingredients (Makes 2):


  • 6 cl freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 4 teaspoons sugar
  • fresh mint leaves, plus more for garnish
  • 12 cl Isautier Arrangé Ginger Lemon
  • ice
  • 6 cl club soda
  • lemon slice to garnish


  1. Add lime juice, sugar and mint leaves to a glass and muddle.
  2. Pour in Isautier Arrangé Ginger Lemon, stir, and fill the glass with ice.
  3. Top with club soda and garnish with mint leaves and lemon slices.

Inspired by Inspired Taste.

But wait! Did you put things off until the last minute and run out of time to prepare something? No worries! We’ve got one more trick up our sleeve. 
All of Isautier’s Arrangés, Douceurs d’Arrangés and Arhumatiks can be served chilled as an aperitif or digestif for a flavourful addition to your romantic celebration.
From our hearts to yours, Happy Valentine’s Day from the Isautier family 💝