The Arrangé Banana Flambé is 10 years old!

The Arrangé Banana Flambé is 10 years old!

In honour of the tenth anniversary of Arrangé Banana Flambé, immersion you in the history of this exquisite creation.

Rum Arrangé ingredients: our recommendations

Rum Arrangé ingredients: our recommendations

From the most fundamental (and thus essential) to the most unexpected, discover our suggestions for rum arrangé ingredients.

Rum arrangé tasting: our recommendations for a perfect experience

Rum arrangé tasting: our recommendations for a perfect experience

From the type of glass to the ideal temperature, there are a few important details to consider.

Creating your rum arrangé: ingredient preparation, maceration and filtration

Creating your rum arrangé: ingredient preparation, maceration and filtration

Creating rum arrangé: today, we’ll give you all the information you’ll need to prepare your ingredients and properly macerate and filter them.

Reunionese rum aperitifs: the most popular recipes

Reunionese rum aperitifs: the most popular recipes

The spirit of Reunion Island is most easily experienced around the dinner table. Let’s discuss some of the beverages, in particular the reunionese rum aperitifs, that go along with these traditions.

Making rum arrangé: choosing the right rum, ingredients and container

Making rum arrangé: choosing the right rum, ingredients and container

Do you want to make your own rum arrange? We have some tips and advice to help you successfully create some daring recipes of your very own.

New Arrangés: the Reunion Fresque

New Arrangés: the Reunion Fresque

We invite you to travel and indulge all the senses as you discover the Reunion Fresque, the new range of Isautier Arrangés.

Sugar cane and Reunion rum: an inseparable combination

Sugar cane and Reunion rum: an inseparable combination

From the Reunionese soil sprouts a sugar cane that carries the geological history of a land forged by volcanoes. It possesses an exceptional character that impacts our rums, and what an impact it ...

Serving and tasting the Arrangé Banana Flambé

Serving and tasting the Arrangé Banana Flambé

Allow us to suggest a few serving options to discover your Arrangé Banana Flambé in a whole new way

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