• 2 filets of turbot• 60 g butter
• 3 egg yolks
• 1 shallot
• 2 tablespoons of cream
• 10 cm Isautier matured barrel rum
• 20 cl fish stock
• 1 sweet potato
• 1 carrot
• 1 courgette
• 20 g butter
• sugar, salt, pepper, butter

1. Wash and chop up the vegetables into small cubes, Melt some butter in a pan, add the vegetables, a tablespoon of sugar, cover with water, cut out a piece of greaseproof paper to the size of the pan, making a chimney (hole) in the centre. Leave to cook.
2. Clarify the butter by melting it in a pan over a gentle flame and then the scoop off the upper layer.
3. Chop up the shallot
4. Butter a casserole dish, place the chopped shallot at the bottom, add the fish fillets, the fish stock, 5 cl of rum, salt and pepper. Leave to cook in the oven at 240° for five minutes. Set aside, keeping hot.
5. Reduce the cooking juice in a saucepan.
6. Put the egg yolks into the skillet with the remaining rum (57 cl) and the lemon juice. Cook in a double boiler. Beat, making figure-of-eight loops. The mixture should double in volume (10 minutes).
7. At the clarified butter, whipping gently. It should be smooth.
8. Finally, add the fresh cream and blend gently.
Enjoy your meal!
Recipe written in collaboration with Mary GRAIN-GALLET.