
Search results for : rhum création

Serving and tasting the Arrangé Banana Flambé

Serving and tasting the Arrangé Banana Flambé

Allow us to suggest a few serving options to discover your Arrangé Banana Flambé in a whole new way

Exotic flavours: spotlight on the Arrangé Lychee Passion Fruit
New: Douceur d’Arrangé Banana Flambé

New: Douceur d’Arrangé Banana Flambé

There’s a new wind of creativity blowing through the halls of Maison Isautier. We’ve recently introduced you to our fresque des Arrangés, and now it’s our pleasure to invite you to discover the latest ...

Easter Chocolates and Isautier Old Rum: A perfectly paired basket

Easter Chocolates and Isautier Old Rum: A perfectly paired basket

Easter may very well be the sweetest holiday of the year. During the weeks leading up to the holiday weekend, candy and chocolate shops fill their windows with confectionary delights that tempt both ...

Our ideas for cocktails with Secret de Canne : The Piña Basilica

Our ideas for cocktails with Secret de Canne : The Piña Basilica

Sans doute connaissez-vous déjà l’incontournable Piña Colada (dont vous pouvez retrouver la recette dans notre article sur les cocktails de l’été au rhum). Mais il y a fort à parier que la Piña Basilica ne vous soit pas ...

Summer Rum Cocktails : Reunion Island Planter Punch

Summer Rum Cocktails : Reunion Island Planter Punch

Last but not least, here’s a cocktail that will make gatherings easier. All you have to do is fill the punch bowl, and guests can serve themselves. There are as many varieties of ...

Discover one tropical recipe : Coco-Passion Rum Punch

Discover one tropical recipe : Coco-Passion Rum Punch

Delicate, sweet, 100% natural coconut makes Isautier Arhumatik Coco the star of this light, fruity cocktail.  This fresh, smooth rum liqueur compliments the tartness of the pineapple juice and passion fruit, while the Ginger ...

1970: The Arrangés Adventure Begins

1970: The Arrangés Adventure Begins

At Isautier, innovation is always at the heart of our creations and the driving force of our endeavours. As innovations go, 1970 is a hallmark year for us: It’s the year we harnessed ...

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